Arche Tirol is a small community for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities (core-members) and people without disabilities (assistants), trying to share life, creating a familiar atmosphere, and thus working together towards a more compassionate and just society. Core-members live together with employed assistants, trainees, and volunteers (and unpaid people, who want to support Arche Tirol). Arche Tirol has two houses, located in the two villages of Steinach and St. Jodok, a basal group and a workshop. Since December 2016 we are in our new home in Steinach.

Since 1992 we have been officially accepted by the government of Tyrol as a public institution and nursing place for people with disabilities. We are financed by the government.To a large amount, this money covers expenses (salaries, daily life, etc.).

Furthermore, we rely on donations, too. With these we can make major and necessary repairs and fund various investments. The legal foundation of Arche Tirol is the association “Arche Tirol,” consisting of members and an elected board.

The very beginning of L’Arche is located in France. In 1964, Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, decided to take over responsibility of three men with intellectual disabilities and live with them in the first L’Arche-house in Trosly, a village north of Paris. More L’Arche communities have developed in different countries and within different religious and cultural environments. Today, L’Arche has 149 communities and 14 projects in 37 countries worldwide.

The revelations about the sexual abuse of women by Père Thomas Phillip and Jean Vanier have deeply shaken Ark communities worldwide. Shortly after the foundation of the Arche Tirol in 1992, it separated from the International Arche. After a period of rapprochement, Arche Tirol was a member of the International Ark from 2008 to 2022. This membership was terminated at the end of 2022.

Working at Arche Tirol

Arche Tirol is a community of people with intellectual and multiple disabilities and people who accompany them (assistants, volunteers…). Assistants can choose to live in one of the Arche-houses or in some accommodation outside. To retain a familiar atmosphere in our Arche Tirol communities, assistants donate time for praying, sharing meals or celebrating.

  • First of all, Arche Tirol focuse on our core-member. This means assistants
    meet with them at eye level.
  • Assistants need openness, not just for our core-members, but also for our
    assistants with different cultural and religious backgrounds, their individual histories, and lives. Therefore, Arche Tirol is an individual, unique, and empowering team.
  • Arche Tirol tries to live in a simple way and to continue to develop its structure and regulations. It is a community of faith, which is made visible at various celebrations and in daily life.
  • In Arche Tirol, conflicts and stress are also part of life. But we try to face these challenging situations. Even if they are painful, Arche Tirol can grow and develop by them. Arche Tirol employees have regular meetings, supervision and discussions in order to solve conflicts and problems in an objective and proficient way. Assistants should be ready to compromise.

Becoming an assistant

If you are interested in working at Arche Tirol, please complete our application form and send it back return it to us.

We offer…

  • Pay based on SWÖ (collective agreement)
  • Accommodation and community
  • Challenging, diverse, and fulfilling work and encounters with
    people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Supervision, team meetings and chances of further training


Please check the button “Links” on our website. You will get more information on becoming a volunteer in Arche Tirol.


Arche Tirol
Mag. Sidonie Tomaschitz
Bahnhofstraße 163
A 6150 Steinach
Tel.: 0043 5272 20292-11
Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

How to find us

Check the website: for reaching us by train
Check our menu item “Kontakt und Anfahrt” for reaching us by car

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